
Voderady is located in slightly hilly Trebechovice plateau at 360 m above the sea-level. Village obviously existed in turn of 11th and 12th century, dependent on Opocno or Hradec Kralove. The local name Voderady is related to the fact that local people took care for lordly waterway system. The first historical written mention originated from 14th century (exactly from 1355) when Radslav from Voderady hold that village.
Between 1495 and 1556 village belonged to Masters from Pernstejn. In 1559 Hanuš Haugvic from Biskupic bought it and established villages Vyhnanice and Nova Ves.

In 1577 Oppersdorf’s family from Dub, owner of Castolovice, occupied all that manor and Tomas Cernin from Chudenic bought Voderady in 1684. In 1695 Voderady become Sternberg clan’s property and was integrated with their Castolovice manor. That situation lasted for 1848. Other mentions for villages Voderady, Jezkovice, Licno and Radostovice exist from 1684.
One of the most interesting objects are Church St Peter and Paul in Voderady, Statue St John Nepomuc and conciliation stone on house number 31 (in front of Church). Chapel of Promotion St Crucifix and lookout tower Osicina in Vojenice, the fortress and chapel of St John Nepomucky are the national monuments in Uhřinovice, Chapel of Vergin Mary from Lurd in Jezkovice, the Chaple of Virgin Mary in Nova Ves and the chapel of Virgin Mary Karmelit in Vyhnanice.
Six villages are together in one council in Voderady – Voderady, Uhrinovice, Jezkovice, Vyhnanice, Nova Ves, Vojenice. Total area of land register is 1507 ha.
- Telephone number: 494 384 524
- Web: www.obec-voderady.cz