
Village is located in the hillock by main road in direction to Solnice, 3 km north of Castolovice.

So far, the oldest written mention of Libel is from Gotthard Laska’s book "District of Rychnov" from 1884, where is put down: "…Princess Anna and her son Puta donated two ploughs and other equipment to the church, 3rd of June 1405…"
It is said the village was situated more northward than now, in valley Slatinky and later, nobody knows when and why, village burned down to foundation. Josef Svatka described not only exact location of Libel but also it’s demolition by fire in 1628 at his historical novel Gypsy’s revenge. There was a long conflict between farmers and Czech brothers against the churchman Kamil Gramb who wanted to turn public to the Catholic faith. Story goes that farmers camped out one day at a place named “Red gate” where they were killed by enemy and village was burned down.
Libel is translated as darling, sweetie and pleasant.
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